How Much Does An Occupational Therapy Evaluation Cost

Physical Therapy for ParkinsonsOccupational therapy helps with mental health concerns including stress management and cognitive skills improvement. As important as occupational therapy sessions are to help people alter their surroundings and adapt to their physical limits, knowing how much they cost, the variables that determine the cost, and a breakdown of these sessions and their relevance is just as significant.

What is Occupational Therapy Evaluation about?

An occupational therapist conducts an occupational therapy examination to establish how a disability, injury, or disorder impacts a person’s capacity to acquire or develop skills needed for functional independence, health, and well-being. These sessions improve physical strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, posture, range-of-motion, and other motor abilities; improve the ability to perform activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, feeding, and toileting; develop the visual-motor skills needed for writing letters and numbers; increase fine motor coordination for activities like buttoning a shirt; and teach self-care skills.

Occupational Therapy Evaluation Components

patient-receiving-physiotherapy-on-knee-by-med1care-therapistOccupational therapy comprises three main areas; these areas make it possible for individuals to be informed about what to expect in an occupational therapy session. These components include:


During an assessment, the occupational therapist will evaluate the individual’s abilities and how they interact with their environment. This helps in developing a plan of care and treatment or the individual. It also helps in understanding how the individual can be better supported.


This involves physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and/or environmental activities that are designed to assist the individual in achieving their goals. The intervention techniques used in occupational therapy depend on the assessment results and may include exercises, sensory integration techniques, play, art therapy, and behavioral strategies.


The evaluation process helps to determine if the interventions are meeting the individual’s needs, goals, and objectives. Occupational therapists use a variety of tools, including standardized tests, interviews, observations, and activity logs, to evaluate the progress that has been made since the beginning of treatment. The results of the evaluation will then be used to make any necessary adjustments to the plan of care. 

Follow-up Care 

After initial treatment, it is important for patients to follow up with occupational therapy in order to maintain their progress. Depending on the individual’s needs, follow-up care may occur at regular intervals or as needed. The goal of follow-up care is to ensure that the patient continues to make improvements and is able to maintain their gains for long-term success.

What Does An OT Evaluation Consist Of

senior-woman-doing-physical-therapy-exercises2There are several types of occupational therapy evaluation; these types or forms of occupational therapy are disseminated according to the patient’s needs and environment. They include:

Functional Evaluation During Therapy

This evaluation is designed to identify how a person’s daily activities are affected by his or her limitations and what modifications or accommodations can be made.

It also assesses how a person’s impairment or disability affects their ability to function independently in their environment.

Cognitive Evaluation During Therapy

This evaluation looks at an individual’s cognitive abilities, such as memory and attention, problem-solving, and verbal comprehension. The purpose is to identify areas of strength and weakness. This assessment evaluates a person’s ability to think, remember, and reason.

Psychosocial Evaluation During Therapy

This type of evaluation assesses an individual’s emotional and social functioning. It helps to identify potential problem areas that may be impacting their quality of life, such as depression or anxiety, and provides information on how these issues may be addressed.

Vocational Evaluation

A vocational evaluation is designed to determine a person’s employability and job readiness. It includes gathering information on the individual’s work history, interests, skills, and aptitudes. The results of this assessment are used to make decisions about future educational or career goals.

Neuropsychological Evaluation

This examination tests a person’s cognitive ability in memory, attention, language, and problem-solving. This examination may be used to evaluate learning or developmental difficulties in situations of brain damage, dementia, or neurological illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease or stroke. It may involve IQ tests like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or memory and learning tests like the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT).

Substance Abuse Evaluation

A substance abuse evaluation seeks to identify individuals with a high risk of developing an addiction or abusing drugs and alcohol. This assessment typically involves in-depth interviews and psychological tests to determine an individual’s potential problem with drinking or drug use.

Personality Evaluation

This type of evaluation seeks to understand an individual’s personality traits, motivations, and behavior. It may include tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), which is used to help diagnose mental health problems, or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is used to identify personality type.

Psychoeducational Evaluation

A psychoeducational evaluation is used to assess an individual’s academic, cognitive, and social-emotional functioning. It typically includes the use of standardized tests to measure intellectual capabilities, as well as interviews and observations to gain insight into a student’s learning style.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Therapy Evaluation

Female trainer helping senior woman in a gym exercising with a bosu balance training platform. Elder woman being assisted by gym instructor while workout session.

The cost of an occupational therapy evaluation is affected or determined by a lot of factors. These factors can be seen below:


The cost of the assessment may vary depending on where it is being performed. For example, evaluations conducted in a rural area may be less expensive than those in an urban area. The area or the site of the occupational therapy evaluation influences the cost, as some areas may be more expensive than others due to various reasons.


Another factor influencing the cost of the evaluation is its length and complexity. Evaluations can occur over a period ranging from a few hours to several days, depending on how involved and detailed the assessment is. More extensive assessments will usually require more time and may be more costly than shorter, more basic evaluations. 


The experience and qualifications of the therapist performing the evaluation can also affect its cost. A therapist’s experience and qualifications can have a direct impact on how much they charge for their services, with more experienced therapists often charging more than less experienced ones.

Cost of an Occupational Therapy Evaluation

An occupational therapy assessment can cost $100–$300 per session or more. The intricacy of the examination, the occupational therapist, and any extra treatments will determine this. Before booking, confirm your insurance coverage for evaluations and treatments.

Go For Physical Therapy Instead?

The difference between PT and OT is a common question asked when considering therapy. While physical and occupational therapy both serve vital roles in helping people with physical medical needs live life to its fullest, Physical Therapy is dedicated to maximizing movement, aiding pain management, improving stamina and encouraging gross motor skills; while Occupational Therapy focuses on enabling an individual’s capabilities by assessing their physical well-being as much as tackling the psychosocial or behavioral challenges they face every day. So if your primary challenge or that of your child is to improve physical mobility and movement, then Physical Therapy is likely the best choice. However, if you are looking to increase daily functioning and quality of life by overcoming the physical, cognitive, psychological, or social barriers that may be limiting them, then Occupational Therapy is the way to go. Both therapies can often be used together or in tandem to maximize the individual’s potential.

Without insurance, it is difficult to put a fixed  price on Occupational Therapy as every patient’s needs are different and the cost of therapy may vary based on the location, experience level of the therapist, duration, type of services required and other factors. However, many insurance companies cover occupational therapy costs depending on the state and policy. It is important to check with your insurance provider to see what coverage is offered. Additionally, some therapists may offer a sliding scale fee or lower cost services if needed.

In health insurance policies, Occupational therapy typically falls under the category of physical therapy and medical doctor visits. The most important thing is to check the plan’s coverage details with your insurance provider to see if they cover the cost of occupational therapy and any other related services. After receiving approval from your health insurance, you will need to obtain a prescription/referral from your physician in order for the treatment to be covered. Depending on your insurance policy, you may have to pay a co-payment or deductible, which is an amount you are required to pay before coverage kicks in. Additionally, some insurance policies may require a preauthorization from the insurer prior to starting treatment.

The three components of an occupational therapy evaluation used to determine the complexity of the evaluation are a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s physical, cognitive, and psychosocial abilities; identification of impairments, limitations, and potential for participation in activities of daily living; and treatment planning.

The most challenging part of occupational therapy is creating an individualized and effective treatment plan for each patient. It requires knowledge of the individual’s condition, how to best match the patient with the right interventions, and addressing any potential complications that may arise during the course of treatment.

Occupational therapists typically do not diagnose. But occupational therapy can help to assess and address the underlying challenges of ADHD in order to improve functioning in all areas of life. This may include helping individuals develop strategies for organization and time management, improving executive functioning skills, addressing sensory integration issues, or providing instruction on compensatory strategies that can help support success in school, work, and other life tasks. Occupational therapists may also work to improve motor planning and control, which can help individuals with ADHD develop the skills needed for more successful completion of everyday activities.

The most difficult stage in an occupational therapy evaluation is determining the patient’s functional abilities and limitations. This involves gathering information through interviews, observations, standardized assessments, and health records to assess their current physical and cognitive abilities.