Parkinson Disease

Elderly woman steadying her left hand with her right hand so she can pick up a glass of water.Med1Care Therapy Partner’s physical therapists specialize in the treatment of Parkinson disease. We offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach, focusing on building skills and maximizing independence.

Parkinson Disease Care Overview

Exercise is not only good for overall health, but it is key for the management of Parkinson’s Disease. Our therapists will help guide you through the right moves to increase strength, balance, mobility in order to keep you independent.

What may look different compared to traditional rehab:

  • Amplitude Training
    • This is a specific form of therapy to help increase the amplitude of movement.
      • Think Big and Loud.
    • By practicing over exaggerating movements, the smaller/shuffling movements often seen with Parkinson’s can retrained and potentially slow down its progression.
  • Reciprocal Patterns
    • By reinforcing the reciprocal patterns you naturally use like swinging your arms while you walk, your therapists can help decrease the effect Parkinson’s has on these patterns.

What will look similar compared to traditional rehab:

  • Balance work
    • It is important to focus on how Parkison’s affects your balance system as it can decrease your safety with walking.
    • Your therapist will help guide you in understanding why you are having balance issues and each you ways to offset those challenges.
  • Stretching and Flexibility
    • Patients with Parkinson’s often face tight hip/calf muscles.
    • Frequent stretching throughout the day can help decrease the stiffness felt and prevent loss of mobility. Your therapist can show you how!
  • Strengthening 
    • This is an important part of most patient’s rehab, but especially with those who face the effect of Parkinson’s disease. The type of exercise is going to vary depending on the stage of disease that you are facing, so make sure to communicate with your therapist!

“Remember, increasing your physical activity to at least 2.5 hours a week
can slow the decline in your quality of life.” – Parkinson’s Outcome Project

Call us at 419.866.0555 to schedule a consultation.
Our specialists will help you chart a course forward.