Physical Therapy

Therapist treating young woman for back pain.

Med1Care Therapy Partner’s physical therapists help people restore movement and functionality, so they can regain their strength, mobility and fitness.

Outpatient physical therapy typically takes place 2-3x per week for at least a month. For more serious cases, such as following a surgical procedure, physical therapy may last for as long as three to six months. Length of treatment can be dependent upon the number of visits approved by your health insurance provider.

What Conditions are Treated with Outpatient Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists treat a variety of orthopedic conditions that can be found throughout the body, including the neck, mid back, low back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, pelvis, knees, ankles and feet.

Common orthopedic issues impacting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints include:

  • Arthritis
  • Compression of the nerve, as seen in carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, and thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Fractures
  • Herniated discs
  • Joint problems
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Strained muscles and ligaments
  • Tears to muscles, tendons or ligaments
  • Tendonitis

Physical therapy almost always includes performing therapeutic exercises that help to strengthen and stretch injured areas of the body, allowing for the return of balance, improved posture, increased range of motion, better functionality and decreased pain.

Read more about outpatient physical therapy here.

How We Can Help

If you need physical therapy, our experienced physical therapists near you can help you improve your mobility, decrease your pain and regain your quality of life.

We will partner with your physician to help you build a unique treatment plan to restore your movement and function with specialized exercises and education on low impact ways to manage daily living, relieve pain, improve mobility, prevent disability, strengthen the musculature, and improve balance.

Call us at 419.866.0555 to schedule a consultation. Our specialists will help you chart a course forward.

Physical therapists are professionals who specialize in improving movement, functionality and quality of life. Using many tools to improve their patients’ fitness and function, physical therapists create individual treatment plans that help their patients avoid surgery, reduce dependency on dangerous opioids, understand their care options and prevent future injuries. Read more here: What Is Physical Therapy?

Woman deciding to exercise.

Common outpatient physical interventions include:

  • Cupping to decrease frozen muscles
  • Electrical stimulation to reduce pain
  • Endurance training with gym equipment
  • Gait training, including the use of crutches, canes, and walkers
  • Kinesiotaping for muscle activation
  • Manual techniques, such as massage, soft tissue and joint mobilization
  • Metals tools that loosen tight muscles or break down scar tissue
  • Muscle stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Static and dynamic balance training
  • Thermal therapy for pain, stiffness, and inflammation

Woman at desk in back pain.

Yes, physical therapy can also treat conditions that cause muscle weakness and deconditioning, including a sedentary lifestyle, hospitalization from infection, cancer treatment and neurological conditions.

Read more about outpatient physical therapy here.

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